Welcome, Parents!

Welcome to the "Kids CAN" Create & Publish A Website With AI Camp

Dear Parents,

We are delighted to welcome your child to the "Kids CAN" Create & Publish A Website With AI Camp! This document will provide an overview of what you and your child can expect during our three-week journey into the exciting world of web development, AI, and digital creativity.

What Your Child Will Learn:

Web Development Basics:

  • Understanding website design with Google Sites and WordPress
  • Building and designing websites using user-friendly tools

Graphic Design Principles:

  • Fundamentals of design and layout

Content Creation:

  • Writing engaging and interactive website content
  • Incorporating multimedia elements to enrich the user experience

Publishing and Showcasing:

  • Steps to publish a website and go live
  • Best practices for website maintenance and promotion

AI Integration:

  • Using AI tools to optimize content and design

Camp Structure:

Duration: 3 weeks

Session Frequency: 2-3 times per week

Learning Mode: Online asynchronous lessons with optional Zoom office hours for guidance and feedback

Final Product:

By the end of the camp, each participant will have their own website published and live on the internet. This project will showcase their newly acquired skills in web development and design, and it will be a digital presence they can proudly share with others.

Supporting Your Child:

We encourage you to actively engage with your child about their web development projects. Your interest and support can greatly enhance their learning experience and boost their confidence as they navigate the world of digital creation.

Suggested Materials:

  • A physical notebook for jotting down ideas, sketching designs, and taking notes
  • Access to a computer or tablet with internet connectivity for online sessions and web development activities

Our Commitment:

We are committed to providing a nurturing and inspiring environment for your child to explore their creativity and develop valuable skills. Our experienced instructors are here to guide them every step of the way, ensuring a fun and educational experience.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We are here to support you and your child throughout this journey.


We are excited to embark on this digital adventure with your child and witness the incredible websites they will create. Thank you for entrusting us with their education and imagination. Together, we will unlock their potential and inspire a lifelong love of technology and creativity.

Warm regards,


Founder, Director, and CEO of Kids Can, LLC & Kids Can Write, Inc

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