Welcome, Parents!

Welcome to the "Kids CAN" Write & Publish A Book Camp

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the "Kids CAN" Write & Publish A Book Camp! We are thrilled to have your child join us on this exciting journey from imaginative storytelling to becoming a published author. This document outlines what you and your child can expect from our four-week adventure into the world of creative writing and publishing.

What Your Child Will Learn:

  • Creative Writing Skills: Your child will learn how to craft engaging narratives, develop dynamic characters, and create compelling plots.
  • Understanding Story Elements: We will explore the fundamental elements of storytelling to help your child create a story that resonates with readers.
  • Publishing Process: The camp culminates in the publication of your child’s book, providing a real-world experience of how books are brought to life. You will receive step-by-step guidance on publishing your child's book.

Camp Structure:

  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Session Frequency: 1-3 hours per week
  • Learning Mode: Online asynchronous, occasional office hours via Zoom, assistance in publishing, and personalized feedback via comment section.

Final Product:

Each participant will finish the camp with their own story published in a professionally-bound book, a keepsake they can be proud of!

Supporting Your Child:

We encourage you to engage with your child about the stories they’re creating. Your interest and encouragement can make a significant impact on their creative process and confidence as young authors.

We look forward to helping your child discover their voice and share their stories with the world!

  • Please provide your child with a physical notebook to use throughout the program if they'd like to take notes, make drawings, or answer the free-response in their notebooks instead of online. Black or ruled paper works fine, whichever your child prefers. Thank you!

We are excited to embark on this journey with your child and witness the incredible stories they will create. Thank you for entrusting us with their creativity and imagination. Together, we will unlock your child's genius and inspire a lifelong love of writing.

Warm regards,


Founder, Director, and CEO of Kids Can, LLC & Kids Can Write, Inc

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